Thursday, November 30, 2006

Feels like a Monday!

Alright, so here I am at work for the first time all week... I must say, I do enjoy the snow. However, come Wednesday I was fully prepared to go back to work. Alas, a migraine that left me super-sick decided that another day off was what I needed. We cancelled class this morning but decided to go ahead with afternoon classes as roads aren't as bad as earlier... However we had said we'd meet between 11:30 and 11:45... it's 10 after 12 and still no sign of my boss. (Class starts at 12:30) Hope the class is a small one!!! Too bad I didn't know she'd be late, I would've stopped at Starbucks!! Oh well, I saved some money I suppose...

I realized on my days off how much I miss cable... I really don't watch much tv, but on days like those where there's not much to do, it's really nice to flick through channels and watch stuff I'd never usually watch. Especially channels like TLC and OLN... Ahh I miss those days. It's hard to flick when you only have one channel... I even tried moving our rabbit ears to maybe pick up a signal on another channel. I almost got it, but after a while I just got frustrated. It's not worth paying for it now but I think our next place needs to have that, just as an option.

Speaking of our "next place"... there might be some big changes ahead. I'm a little stressed about it all, but we'll see what God has in store for us... I need to stop worrying and start having more faith. Your prayers on this would be fantastic...

I guess I should go get ready, only 15 minutes left til class... still no other teacher... Maybe all the kids won't show up since it's a snow day for all Langley elementary schools... Here's hoping...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Retail Therapy

Ok so I had these gift cards from Pier 1, but every time I went into the store I wouldn't buy anything at all because I just couldn't decide. I love almost everything in that store, and I just simply cannot afford it all, gift cards or not. One of these gift cards I've had for almost a year. Today, I decided on my way home from work, was the day I was going to spend my gift cards. I was on a mission! After much perusing, I left the store with:

- A magnetic list with pen holder, and 3 pads of paper that say "Week at a glance", "Things to do", and "Just a note" ... super cute! Maybe we'll feel more organized? who knows.

- A pretty agenda/journal thingy... again... maybe I'll feel more organized. At least I'll look cool.

- 2 candle holders with 4 glass votives each for my mantle or anywhere else I feel needs some candle-love

- 2 of the most gorgeous throw pillows ever. So happy. ahh I love these.

- And last but not least, 4 absolutely beautiful martini glasses. I realized we didn't have any (for shame!) and felt this was a necessary purchase. Anyone for hot martinis?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Adventure Weekend

Well I'm on my lunch so I don't have a lot of time to write, but I wanted to update about my long weekend...

- Had friends and family over for Home & Gift party... went really well and I had fun being hostess. I even had a pot of Starbucks coffee ready and hot water for tea. Jason's grandmas both came to see our place which was nice. All in all, a good night

- Did NOTHING all day except sit in my pajamas with Jason and watch 24: Season 2. It was fantastic. I didn't get ready to leave until about 4:30 or so
- Drove out to Jersey Joes in Pitt Meadows to watch the UFC fight... Only to find out that it was actually next week.
- Stopped in at the church and visited with my mom and Heather for a while. Hung around afterwards but decided later that we were too tired from our active day (well we were both sick with colds anyways) so we went home and finished off Season 2.

Sunday : also known as ADVENTURE DAY!!
- Went with Jason to Science World to see that Body Worlds exhibit. It was a very interesting exhibit, especially the babies. I definitely recommend going to see it, however be warned: it's extremely crowded. I sometimes get a bit anxious in crowds and had to take a few moments several times in a corner to calm myself a bit. That part was yucky but overall a good day.
- Later we got invited to the Mellanders for dinner, we had yummy spaghetti and a good visit.

- Slept in, then went to my mom's to get some stuff that I still hadn't moved. But to reward us for it (that and the fact that my mom still hadn't made me my birthday dinner from back in January) she made us roast beef, roasted potatoes, and yorkshire pudding. MMMMMmmmm... it was tasty.

So that was my fantastic weekend. And now I'm really ready for the next one! This week was insane with our mini-hurricane. But as I watched the roof blow off a portable outside the preschool window (that was crazy) I thought about the people from our church that are working down south... It seemed like a little reminder to pray for them, and the people they're affecting with their hard work and love. Even with all the damage we are all so shocked about, it doesn't nearly compare with the destruction from the hurricane these people went through. I've also heard the team is bracing for a storm there too, which is something else we can pray about.

Anyways, that's my little post for today which turned out to be bigger than I expected. :)

Friday, November 03, 2006

Happy November!!

Alright, well I wanted to post on November 1st, but life being as busy as it is unfortunately that just didn't happen. Anyways, Happy November!!!! It's officially the start of the Christmas season!!! Ok you probably think I'm nuts, oh well. Lindsey loves autumn, and I love Christmas. I love everything about it, how nice people are, the music, the happiness... I really would like to read the Love Languages book, but I'm fairly certain my love language is gift giving, I love finding the perfect thing for friends and family and watching their faces as they open them.

Of course this Christmas is extra special - it's my first as a Gregor. It's a little bittersweet I suppose, (I cope terribly with change) and not waking up with my mom and sister there will be an adjustment. It's all going to be new, a new routine, everything. But I'm so excited for it! Jason's just as into it as me, we've been listening to last year's Starbuck's Christmas album in the car... the best song being "I'm the happiest Christmas tree, ho ho ho, hee hee hee!" Best EVER!

Oh and if you're shaking your head thinking I'm nuts, just you go to Starbucks. Officially as of November 1st, my favourite latte is available. EGGNOG LATTE!!!! hoorayyy! So yummy. Seriously... if you have a long drive to work or somewhere, just put on some christmas music, grab an eggnog latte and you'll have no road rage. You may just wave to passers by joyously.

Alright well it's back to Jack B. I go on this oh-so eventful Friday night. I love Do-Nothing-Fridays.