Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ok, because you asked.

Alright alright, Amelia thinks 10 days is too long to go without a blog, so here I am. Not really even sure what to blog about...

I'm coming down with something. I blame Mike - ok only because of his last post... truth is I think I was getting sick before I even saw him this week.

Being sick and going swimming is a gross mix. Especially when you constantly have to be within arms reach of a child who thinks it's funny to try to get away from you.

I'm at a lack of things to watch on tv... I'm all out of 24, and I've watched a whole season of Dead like Me because my sister owns it. I guess I should take this time and get things organized... but I'm sick.

Still trying to deal with all the changes in my life... Last Sunday's service I just cried and cried through the whole thing because it was totally directed at me. It was talking about changes within the church, but there were a lot of things that rang true in our life. We know God wants us to move to Kamloops, but it doesn't make it not painful. Our family is here, our church home is here, and the "unknown" in Kamloops is the scary part. Oh, I'm sure we'll make friends, find a new church home, but I think it's because I've always been afraid of being alone and being forgotten that I'm nervous about this change. I've moved so many times, I should be a pro at it.

Anyways, enough of that... other news... hmm... went out for birthday dinner last night (I think this is the never ending birthday this year) but this time it was because my Dad was in Ontario for my birthday. We went for Thai food in Pitt Meadows with his new girlfriend. She's really nice, more down to earth than ... well, another. She remembered a conversation we'd had at Cafe o Lei about how I wanted to make an Ikea trip before I leave for Kamloops, and that there are these cute little mirrors I liked... She got me 6 of them! It was very thoughtful.

Well that's that I guess... I'll think of things to blog about this week ...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


and no this post isn't about Jack Bauer... not totally anyways. 24 years ago today in Toronto my mom was listening to Supertramp as she waited for her first daughter to arrive. Hooray, here I am. And I'm beginning to learn that the older you get, the more birthdays become "just another day".

I worked a split shift at the daycare, which meant getting up at 4am... no special treatment for the birthday girl, she still needs to bring home the bacon, as lean as it is. (ha ha)

Anyways, fairly normal day I suppose. Came home, ordered sushi, watched 2 episodes of 24, not sure when I'll be able to watch the next two, hopefully soon.

So onward I go into another year of my life. Hip hip hooray.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Mission: Accomplished!

The goal as of back in October: to start 24 Season 1, and continue until fully up to date before Season 6 started. (January 14) I'm proud to say that as of tonight, we are finally up to date! It's been a long, suspense-filled journey, but we made it. We've laughed, we've cried... Several of my favourite characters are now dead and I'm not impressed. But Jack's still alive. As the guy at the end of Season 5 said, he's "too valuable to kill". I agree.

So anyways, I'm excited for Season 6 now, like every other 24 fan, although those fans will watch the season premier before me. We decided since we have no cable (we can get the show, it's just a bit fuzzy) and we've watched 5 seasons on commercial-free dvd, we're going to wait until Jan. 16th and buy the first 4 episodes on dvd. Then I will spend my 24th birthday watching 24! How appropriate! It's funny too, since we don't have a lot of money, that's my gift to myself because I have a wal-mart gift card that I'm giving to J to buy for me. I'm excited!

So for now, I have a week hiatus from 24, and might fill my nights with other things... what shall I do? any suggestions?

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Welcome to 2007!

Alright, so we've been in 2007 for about a week now and I haven't blogged. Oh, I've had the best intentions to blog, came up with various topics, wanted to do a 2006 recap, but hey, apparently I had better things to do. Like play Guitar Hero. Or lose track of time on YouTube. Look, I don't judge you. But I'm here now.

Today was an interesting day... we wanted to clean up around our place, which meant getting rid of the Christmas tree. In front of the tree was an upside down plant pot. Inside this pot was the biggest, nastiest wolf spider ever. We'd (Jason) trapped him in there a couple days ago but we (Jason) hadn't gotten rid of it yet. With a slipper in one hand raised above his head and his other cautiously holding the pot, he slowly lifted the pot, prepared to pounce. No spider. He looked inside the pot - there he was, crawling not too quickly towards the top, but quick enough to get Jason's feet moving. He opened the door to our place and instead of maybe shaking the pot to get the spider out, he throws the whole thing up the stairs! It bounced and made a racket and somehow the spider ended up on the wall. I handed him his sandal and that was the end of the spider.

Not 10 minutes later we decided to bring the tree up to the car so J could bring it to the compost place. I carefully steadied the tree as J undid the screws in the tree stand. He then instructed me to go open the door. He lifted the tree (I wasn't looking) and when I did look I didn't know what to say for a few moments. The tree stand was still stuck to the bottom of the tree. J didn't see it. I watched as all the water left in the bucket splashed all over our floor. I finally yelled "Stop!!" and he put the tree down but by then the pot was empty. We had a trail of pine needles all the way out to the car, and a huge puddle in our living room. Needless to say, I laughed a good laugh right about then. And then I cleaned up. A lot.

Later we decided to unwind by taking a little stroll over in a little park area we always drive past. It's a pond type thing with trails all around it. The thing is, the trails are basically the same level as the pond in a lot of areas. Did anyone happen to notice how much it rained the other day? There were huge puddles all along our route. But we were determined. Jason rolled up his pants at the first puddle, I hopped on his back and off we went. It was cold but only a few feet long so we figured it would be ok, it was an adventure after all.... Well I don't think J was singing the same tune around the end of our walk. We went through maybe 6 or 7 very large puddles, the biggest being maybe 20 feet long and up to J's knees... I stayed dry, so that was ok. I may have felt a little bad though, as we're (again, Jason) wading through a puddle and he's in pain from the coldness of the water, and I was just laughing hysterically in his ear. It only took him ten minutes or so of standing in warm water in the bathtub for him to feel his feet again... Anyhow, it was an adventure!

I got to finish off the day with J's sister and her husband, they came over tonight which was awesome since we aren't coming out to Maple Ridge much with our budget cutbacks... We watched Garden State - they'd never seen it and it's one of my favourite movies! Good times were had.

This is a long post already but I need to share this one picture with you...

This is my Sarahmaynard plant. I call it that because she recommended I get one of these because I wouldn't kill it. (that and I have no idea what it's actually called) And she was right!! Check out at the bottom, that light green thing. It's the opposite of dead!!!! It's growing!!! That wasn't there when I bought it! I was so excited when I discovered it that I decided it needed a celebratory drink. (of water, before you ask) It's the first plant I've made grow! Hooray!