Sunday, October 10, 2004

Surprise Adventure Day

First off I should say that the 12th of every month (well, not every, but some) is called Adventure Day. When Jason and I started going out we celebrated our "3month" and "7month" and all the insignificant ones like that, but instead of calling them "monthiversaries" or something, we called it Adventure Day because most of the things we ended up doing were adventures. So anyways, Jason and I had decided a few weeks ago that we would celebrate a year and a half together on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, because well, thanksgiving is too busy, and our actual "day" is Tuesday, when we both have school. So he had something planned for a while and said we'd do that. It was all a surprise. He picked me up at 11 this morning and we drove towards Vancouver. I had thought it was going to be the Planetarium, which woulda been neat, but he kinda tricked me and instead we went to Science World!! (much preferred over the planetarium, although i've never been to that one, I should go someday) I was soooo excited!! We had a ton of fun running around learning science things. I swear that place gets more and more fun as I get older. Went to the Omnimax show, which was "Forces of Nature". How appropriate is THAT!? So awesome, just so happens to be one of my big interests! It was a good show, it talked about the Montserrat Volcano, and the predicted big huge earthquake in Turkey, and one of my ultimate favourites, tornadoes. Haha I'm such a weirdo. Anyways, afterwards Jazoon took me out to dinner at this new place in Coquitlam Centre called Montana's. It was soooo great!! They have paper down on the tables that you can draw on! And their ribs were tasty-good! mmm... So great. All in all it was a great Adventure Day.

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