Monday, May 15, 2006

Celebrities, Wine, and Feedback

Ahh Mondays, how they lack in any type of fun. I had lots of sleep last night but I'm still exhausted... Probably because of my crazy weekend. Friday night I was all set to go to Sylvia's birthday dinner, when I realized that my wallet was no longer in my purse, and it must be sitting in my cubby in my now-locked-up-for-the-night work... Worse yet, I didn't think I had any co-workers phone numbers. Fortunately for me, God loves me and I found my phone list right away and remedied the sitch' ... I managed to get to the dinner, but I had already missed the food portion of the night. (which comes into play a little later in my tale) Anyways, after some pooling of ideas we decide to go downtown to Bar None in Yaletown. We drive there and find out that even hotties like us gals have to pay $12 to get in. So we change locations and try the Blarney Stone. Well, good luck with that at 10:00 or so on a Friday night. Kristen asked the bouncer how long the lineup was and he said something like "oh 18 feet or so', and when she told us that he said that, I laughed, because hey, that's pretty witty. Anyways, so onward we went, this time to Lotus or something. Cover there was $20 and at 11:00 it would be $22!!! Yikes! We contemplated going to Honey, which was right there as well, and the cover was only $7 but the music coming through that doorway was less than appealing.

So finally we decided to go to a club called Celebrities. We just wanted to dance, and at that point, even a gay bar would do. Yes my dearies, I went to a gay bar. I must say though, it was a very nice venue! Very clean, and hey, no guys hit on me or any of us, which was very nice! We just danced, and I think my favourite part was when they played "Everybody Dance Now". It's a toss up between that and the crazy spotlight that was shining on a cowboys crotchal regions as he danced on stage. SKETCH-tastic! woot.

Anyways, I only had 2 coolers, which is were the lack of dinner came into play. They hit me harder than I wanted to be hit that night. But in the end all was good.

Saturday I got a hot-hot haircut, and I've never had more comments on my hair than this one... Hooray for pastor's wives who can cut hot-hot hair!!

We bottled wine on Saturday as well, which was fun, except for the tasting of wine part. EEuuccchh.... gross-tacular. Heather even gave me a gross glass just to see my face. But not to worry, the wine shall taste good by the wedding.

Later that night was the much-anticipated oscar-winning performance of yours truly. Only Heather thought that I was causing the worship team feedback so she turned my mic off... an ok move I suppose, if only it had turned back on before I went onstage. I have never heard the church quieter, I think everyone was afraid of even the tiniest foot-shuffle interfering with my less-than-booming voice. For the record, it was not my mic that caused the feedback... but I guess even hot professionals like Heather screw up sometimes! :p

Sunday was Mothers day and I spent a bunch of quality time with my Mum shopping and watching Survivor. Good times with Mum, go her! I love my Mommy! :)

Anyways, this was a pretty long post (I'm procrastinating cleaning my house... but I guess it needs to be done...) might as well do that tonight... ick. Can't wait to have a husband to clean for me bahh hahaha


Sylvia said...

what the crap is the above comment?
Amanda. hot post. can't wait to see the new haircut!

heather said...

you successfully out blogged me. and for the record, i was just trying to help with the whole feedback thing. i'm a loser.

Lindsey and Mike said...

Way to have hot-hot hair and be Oscar worthy. Good luck trying to out-blog;)

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

Sara said...

You still have those boxes Amanda? I really need some!!!

Let me know!