Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ch-ch-ch-changes! (Yeah David Bowie)

So here I am at work, on my lunch break, finally with some time to blog. I just read Heather's blog and was inspired... I started thinking about the paths that God takes us, and how everything changes - sometimes in big ways and other times in subtle, less noticeable ways... In the past few months I've talked to a handful of old friends: at weddings, through email, or just in passing out in "the world". It's so strange to look back and remember how close we once were. In a safe little world - high school, youth group... All of it now seems so safe. Sheltered even. It's like graduation creates some sort of explosion, propelling people all directions. In a way it makes me sad (I've never dealt with change well) and in another way it makes me excited to see where my friends and I might "explode" to next.

Everywhere I look there are people going through significant life changes. Whether it's weddings, babies, jobs, or relationships, life is constantly changing. It boggles my mind how some people can't see God's hand in it all. It's so obvious! And so exciting...


Nicole said...

It's sooo true! I've heard people describe it as a funnel...all through school, everyone's in the neck of the funnel, and then you graduate and all of a sudden, it expands and people go every which way. Kinda sad and exciting at the same time... :)

Lindsey and Mike said...

I, too, am often boggled by it all.