Friday, November 03, 2006

Happy November!!

Alright, well I wanted to post on November 1st, but life being as busy as it is unfortunately that just didn't happen. Anyways, Happy November!!!! It's officially the start of the Christmas season!!! Ok you probably think I'm nuts, oh well. Lindsey loves autumn, and I love Christmas. I love everything about it, how nice people are, the music, the happiness... I really would like to read the Love Languages book, but I'm fairly certain my love language is gift giving, I love finding the perfect thing for friends and family and watching their faces as they open them.

Of course this Christmas is extra special - it's my first as a Gregor. It's a little bittersweet I suppose, (I cope terribly with change) and not waking up with my mom and sister there will be an adjustment. It's all going to be new, a new routine, everything. But I'm so excited for it! Jason's just as into it as me, we've been listening to last year's Starbuck's Christmas album in the car... the best song being "I'm the happiest Christmas tree, ho ho ho, hee hee hee!" Best EVER!

Oh and if you're shaking your head thinking I'm nuts, just you go to Starbucks. Officially as of November 1st, my favourite latte is available. EGGNOG LATTE!!!! hoorayyy! So yummy. Seriously... if you have a long drive to work or somewhere, just put on some christmas music, grab an eggnog latte and you'll have no road rage. You may just wave to passers by joyously.

Alright well it's back to Jack B. I go on this oh-so eventful Friday night. I love Do-Nothing-Fridays.


Anonymous said...

I love Christmas too!!! If they've got eggnog latte's they must also have gingerbread latte's. I'm heading to Starbucks asap!

Michelle said...

Me too, I love Christmas too (I'm a Boxing Day baby)! Gingerbread latte's are my drink at sbucks and eggnog is dh's. I will have to tell him.

Hey, still waiting on email from you.

Amanda said...

sorry Michelle, I don't have that program anymore, yes I want to serve and sing, I think I'm good for all the days but let me get back to you

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty stoked on Christmas too... although moreso because it means a break from school. But I definitely had a peppermint mocha on the first day they would let me!

Michelle said...

Oooh peppermint mocha! THat sounds good too.

OK Amanda. I don't have your email BUT Heather has mine (I think) so you can get it from her to let me know. There is a practice on Nov 25th.

Anonymous said...

Eggnog latte! Matt makes those here! He's a Christmas Day baby - must be in the blood.

I bought him eggnog before halloween but he finished it quickly (also uses it as a substitute for creamo) and then we had the Shermes over and guess what? Save-On did not have eggnog!?!?!? Oh the tragedy! I had bought it at Superstore. On my next shopping trip (Extra Foods) I bought 2 1L containers. I'm hoping Costco has it next!


Mike H said...

Christmas - LOVE IT! But only because of all the goodies that are made this time of year. Butter Tarts, Nanaimo Bars and Shortbread Cookies, just to name a few.

PS - When I read Jack B I thought Jack Black, and then I remembered that you love 24. But seriously, Pick of Destiny is out in a few weeks. How cool is that?

Amanda said...

Jack B = Awesome ... no matter which Jack you're talking about.