Saturday, January 27, 2007

Ok, because you asked.

Alright alright, Amelia thinks 10 days is too long to go without a blog, so here I am. Not really even sure what to blog about...

I'm coming down with something. I blame Mike - ok only because of his last post... truth is I think I was getting sick before I even saw him this week.

Being sick and going swimming is a gross mix. Especially when you constantly have to be within arms reach of a child who thinks it's funny to try to get away from you.

I'm at a lack of things to watch on tv... I'm all out of 24, and I've watched a whole season of Dead like Me because my sister owns it. I guess I should take this time and get things organized... but I'm sick.

Still trying to deal with all the changes in my life... Last Sunday's service I just cried and cried through the whole thing because it was totally directed at me. It was talking about changes within the church, but there were a lot of things that rang true in our life. We know God wants us to move to Kamloops, but it doesn't make it not painful. Our family is here, our church home is here, and the "unknown" in Kamloops is the scary part. Oh, I'm sure we'll make friends, find a new church home, but I think it's because I've always been afraid of being alone and being forgotten that I'm nervous about this change. I've moved so many times, I should be a pro at it.

Anyways, enough of that... other news... hmm... went out for birthday dinner last night (I think this is the never ending birthday this year) but this time it was because my Dad was in Ontario for my birthday. We went for Thai food in Pitt Meadows with his new girlfriend. She's really nice, more down to earth than ... well, another. She remembered a conversation we'd had at Cafe o Lei about how I wanted to make an Ikea trip before I leave for Kamloops, and that there are these cute little mirrors I liked... She got me 6 of them! It was very thoughtful.

Well that's that I guess... I'll think of things to blog about this week ...


Michelle said...

Get better Amanda! And just so you know we would never forget you. :-)

See you tomorrow.

Mike H said...

Hey! I'm pretty sure you and Volunteer S were the ones who got ME sick!
You probably coughed all over my snack and drink before I took it. Yeah, that's it. This cold is all YOUR fault.

Amanda said...

Hm too bad your lovely girlfriend was obviously sick before me! So HA!

Amanda said...

Actually I changed my mind. Let's blame Amelia, since she was obviously sick before us, her post must've put sick thoughts in our heads. Plus it might make her actually comment on the post she guilted me into writing. Sheesh!

Naughty Girl said...

K! Here I am! Here is the comment I said that I would write! Today was loads of fun but sure did a number on my throat. Maybe we did the parents a favour and their children will have no voices this weekend............
Rock on!