Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Valentine's Day

Alright, where do I start? I haven't posted since Valentine's Day, so how about I start with that. I wanted that night to be special, since it's our first Valentine's as a married couple. I worked until 5 so I didn't have a really long time to get ready and I wanted fancy hair. But of course I took too long and missed the appy's... Oh well, my hair was hot! Our table was really fun, 3 out of the 4 couples were newly married so we ended up winning for the table that had been married for the least amount of time. 31 years, but only from rounding up!! At first we weren't allowed to count half years (ex. if you'd been married 20.5 years just say 20) but when Pastor Steve came back and we asked him if that meant we can't count ourselves into this he went back up and told us all to round up. If we didn't round up we would've had 4.5 years between 3 couples!

Then... well not then, as in immediately following, there was quite a wait actually.... we finally received our food. Mine looked like this:

Looks fancy, but picture pulling that out of the fridge and eating it without putting it in the microwave. Yep, it was cold. Although the asparagus was luke-warm... I would describe my rice-can but I think Scott's face says it all...

All in all I had a great time at the event, I laughed a ton!

Unfortunately my DH was sick that night with a bad fever so we left right away, and he has been sick ever since. So Valentine's Day itself wasn't exactly what I expected or planned, but it won't be one I forget anytime soon!


Magnificent M said...

Ha! Scott's face does say it all! Love it! Didn't love that rice though, ugh. Hope your hubby feels better soon, and yes, your hair looked totally hot!

Lindsey and Mike said...

J's sick? Maybe he's preggers.

Amanda said...

Lindsey - LOL! I'll have to keep an eye on him...