Monday, June 18, 2007

What A Day!!

So I had an interview today at 10am. Went to that, was basically offered another job. (That brings the total of offered jobs to 6) I told her I would get back to her as I had another interview tomorrow and needed to mull it over a little bit. She wanted me to work a 6:30am shift, which I'm not entirely crazy about, but I do need a job so I said I'd get back to her. I have not been to an interview yet where they don't want to hire me immediately. Great for the ego, bad for the decision making process. Until the rest of my crazy God-day happened...

Let me go back a day to Sunday morning. We went to a church for the second time (I'm quite liking this one, it reminds me a little of Burnett...) The first time we had gone, a girl who runs the children's ministry (whose parents GO to Burnett... small world!!!) had said she was looking for someone with ECE. At this time of course I was trying to find something that wasn't ECE. So I didn't think much of it. Anyways, I wanted to go touch base with her and find out details. So as we're leaving the auditorium, their interim pastor who had just given the message says to J and I "Hey, I don't know you, who are you?" (How's that for a welcoming? haha) So he's chatting us up, and asking what we do. I tell him I'm currently looking for something and that I have my ECE. At this same moment, a lady is walking through the door and overhears this. She says "I know someone looking for ECE!!" and gives me her card to tell the daycare owner she referred me to her. Same time as all this, the young adults pastor (who we met last time) approaches to say hello and gets involved in this conversation. He runs to his office to get the daycare's card so I can phone. Apparently she is proposing to lease space from this church to open a second daycare in this part of town, and that's why he had her card.

Ok so back to today. I came home from my morning interview, made myself a glorious cup of coffee and called this daycare. She asked if I was available to come in today and drop off my resume. I finished my coffee and headed out there. (It's a 20 minute drive, but that's the farthest drive you'll get in Kamloops) So I go in, and after talking to the lady for a while, she asks when I'd be able to start. I tell her "as early as tomorrow" because I'd really like to start work asap... For some reason, I decide to take this job. All of the stuff from the day before seems to make this fall in place, and an added bonus - it pays more than what I was making in Maple Ridge. (Very rare in these parts)

So during the interview, a staff member comes in an informs the owner that she needs to go home because her son is quite sick. Now the centre is very short staffed... So I offered to start then if she needed the help! She said yes and I spent the afternoon mostly in the Infant/Toddler room, and then later with the school aged kids.

I've set a new record for myself.... Set up an interview, had the interview, got hired, and started my job - All on the SAME DAY!!!!

And the best part is, if the business proposal at the church goes through, I will be the first to move to that centre - and it's only a few blocks from home!

God certainly knows what He's doing. Right down to my sudden urge to make myself a cup of coffee... He knew I'd need the caffeine!!


Michelle said...


Lindsey and Mike said...

That's awesome! Go God!

4ever29 said...

That is so great Amanda!!!

Joanne said...

I am soooooo glad that you are working with the little children. I know that is where God wants you to be. They need you.

Sara said...

Pretty awesome!