Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Year Ago Today...

...I said "Forever" to the man of my dreams. I can't believe it's been a year already... it's been a year of ups and downs, of learning, but most of all discovering how amazing God is, and growing in Him. He's taken us through a lot, and through it all we've had to learn to lean on each other and our faith.

I'm excited for the next year together, and then many more after that!


heather said...

yay! I've been reminiscing the last few days as well - what a fun wedding yours was. I'm still so excited for you two and the exciting life that you are and will continue to have together.

Happy Anniversary!

Michelle said...

Happy Anniversary!

Magnificent M said...

That is so lovely Amanda! Congratulations!!! Enjoy these years together, you will look back later in life and realize that they you built the foundation for the future then - cheesy but true. I've found that as the years have passed that in some ways life just gets harder but in some ways it just gets easier. Harder because it gets more complicated and the responsibilities increase, but easier because the more time you spend with the love of your life, the more you stop being two people who love one another and instead become one super person united with purpose. When you stop and think on all that was overcome to bring you together you get just a glimpse of the complexitieis of God's plan... I"m glad you have found your soul mate :-)

Anonymous said...

happy anniversay yesterday :)

Lindsey and Mike said...

Happy Anniversary! It seems like not so long ago when Mike and I were madly and artistically placing ivy leaves all over your reception:) Through God's grace, may many, many more years follow.

Sara said...

You did have a beautiful wedding, except for that fat pregnant lady who did powerpoint ; )

You guys seem to have a solid "God" relationship and by that I mean you really try hard to put him first, and it's admirable. Being in Bible Study with you two was fun, and we do miss you!

I LOVE anniversaries and any sort of reason to celebrate so I raise my glass of water in salute to you two and your lovely first anniversary!!! MANY MORE!!!!

Love you!!!