Saturday, August 09, 2008

New Ideas

So I've been thinking about my blog lately, which I guess is a good thing! I had a new idea for it, because creating that title banner was a lot of fun, and I actually ended up with a few different ones in the process... So I decided that I will try to change that banner every month, perhaps with a monthly theme, or perhaps just one I like at the time. We'll see... It will help me with my design skills though, so that's a good thing!

My other idea was to do with my newfound love of photography. I want to post a weekly favourite photo (or two), so that I actually get out and shoot pictures every week. I can't promise the quality, but again, it will help me build skills! I might try to do this on Sunday for the week previous. (Which basically means I don't have a picture picked out right this moment, but I will find one tomorrow...)

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