Saturday, October 14, 2006

Jack's the man.

I'm in love. Yes, with Jason of course, but I have a new love in my life. His name is Jack Bauer. And Jason's just as in love with him... ok not with him in particular but his life, or at least this one day of his life. I've heard so much about how great this show was but I'd never seen even one episode. So last night we decided to stay in and rent Season 1, discs 1 and 2. I honestly don't know what I would do if I had to wait a whole week to see each episode. After the first episode we were completely hooked, and ended up watching the entire first disc (4 episodes) that night. Today all I could think about was what was going to happen next... Jason really wanted to go biking but I was still tired and not in the mood for biking so I stayed home and watched 3 more episodes. I would've watched the 8th one but Jason called and said to wait for him. Only when he got home he wouldn't let me just fill him in on what happened, he wanted to see for himself. So I watched from 4:00-7:00 all over again, then from 7:00-8:00... Now we need to rent discs 3 and 4 or I'm going to go insane.

It's just such a good show!! I commented on how it's like if you turned a novel into a movie and didn't leave any detail at all out. It's fantastic. And it's helping to ease the transition to our one-channel television. If there's nothing on Global, we don't watch tv.

Tonight we went to Castle Fun Park with a bunch of people from Maple Ridge Baptist young adults group. It was fun, we went to originally play mini golf but it was so busy that all us girls decided to get refunds and get tokens for the games instead. There's this one game that you hit the button and try to get the jackpot. It's like gambling for tickets and extremely addictive. Especially when the pot gets up to 150 tickets or so... Andrea, Hannah, and myself all won at least once, Hannah won twice, her biggest amount being 150 tickets. We pooled our tickets together and got a ton of candy! Together we had almost 900 tickets. Too bad we were 19,100 short for the 12" television.

Friendly tip: next time you come across a shooting gallery (They have them at the PNE, as well as right here in your very own Castle Fun Park), take a picture with your flash on. Trust me, it's worth it.


Sara said...

I concur, Jack is addictive.

There's a really funny shot game you can play while watching '24' that you could find on the internet somewhere. Like take a shot everytime Jack says "We're running out of time" or that there's another traitor at CTU. Fun stuff.

Anonymous said...

the official game is to take a shot every time he says "dammit". Apparently Kiefer heard about it and made an effort to say that word more.

I love Jack. Love him. And also Chase from Season 3. So much hot, so little 24.

When Season 5 comes out I'll prolly watch it like straight through. Maybe I should play the drinking game then. And then get my stomach pumped.

Who's with me?

Michelle said...

I'm just saying hi. Sadly, I don't watch 24. I try not to watch tv shows that are addictive anymore since who knows when I can regularly get to them and then I get annoyed if I miss them. Studio 60 being an example this week and I do love that show.

Amanda said...

that's why you jump on the bandwagon 6 season late and only rent the dvds! There's no way I would be able to survive one episode to another if I had to wait a week in between!