Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Warning: Rant ahead.

Ok seriously people.

- Is it really necessary to sit in the left lane going the exact same speed as the person beside you in the right lane? Quit the slow race, move ahead or behind person on the right and let the person behind you pass.

- If the person in the left lane IS in fact attempting to pass the person on the right, please do not come up to within a metre of my car and flash your high beams at me. I'm going faster than the slow lane, give me a chance to pass.

- When merging, is getting in front of me but behind a whole row of slow cars worth risking your life and mine? The answer is no.

- Tailgating is annoying, it won't make me go any faster, in fact it will make me slow down just to annoy you back. So Back Off.

- They invented a signal for a reason. USE IT!

I think that's it... I just love driving 45 minutes to work every day.


Michelle said...

You tell 'em! I totally agree too! :-)

Magnificent M said...

As a sometimes commuter, I feel your pain. My favorite is the person who yaps on their phone while merging but can't multitask and do both at once.