Thursday, September 30, 2004

A New Direction

Well, yesterday I wrote an amazingly long blog only to have my computer completely crash as I was trying to publish it. I was too frustrated to even try to start over so I decided to leave it until today.
A couple days ago I was stressing big time. Maybe I was just being over-emotional due to certain girly stupid stuff, but I was completely freaking out. Money and school were what were occupying my mind... or rather the lack of money and the amount of school ahead of me. It's just been a month and I was already panicked about how the heck I was supposed to pay for 5.5 or more years of school, and I really don't want to be stressed for that long. So I decided to look up information on 2 year programs I might be interested in. Then I found something that I had seen a lot of but never actually considered. And the more I thought about it, the more it worked for me. Early Childhood Education! There are a ton of different directions I can go afterwards, but initially I will get my certificate that will allow me to teach preschool. It was absolute perfect timing, as the program starts in January, and only takes 3 semesters! So that means I will graduate (with the cool ceremonies and everything! even the hat!!) in April 2006!!! That's not long at all, and it all just makes sense. I can see myself doing this much more than the other stuff... Also, if I want to upgrade and get a diploma, it will just take 6 more classes - 3 core courses, and 3 in one of 2 specialties: Special Needs or Infancy. I think I would opt for the Special Needs one, as that would allow me to be a teacher assistant at public schools. The best thing about all of this is that I can get into the career right away, and work my way through school at night if I wanted to. Eventually, I can also take the Child and Youth Care program, and with all of these together I could get a bachelors in Child and Youth Care. I am a lot more relieved now, this makes a lot of sense. And a nice bonus factor is that Jason will grad at the same time as me! It all just works out well...

In my lost-blog I wrote also about the wedding this weekend. It was absolutely beautiful! Tara looked gorgeous... I couldn't look at Scott during the ceremony, he was teary, and that was making me cry! And Jason looked... tall. Haha, well pretty much everyone was around the same height, and then there was my boy, towering well above everyone. But he looked amazing too, which was torture! I couldn't hang out with him, he was running around with the wedding party doing wedding stuff. But that's ok, I was busy decorating and dealing with the guestbook. All in all it was a great wedding, and I am super happy for Tara and Scott, they are a great couple.

My last blog was a lot better, but this will have to do... So now I have to go memorize a script for church, which I really should've had memorized earlier. :S

Friday, September 24, 2004

A Beautiful Day!

I love the sunshine, and how it just makes me feel so happy... It's not very good though when you have a lot of school work to do... But I just checked the forecast, and it is supposed to stay sunny and nice all weekend, so the sooner I get this stuff done, the more time out in the sun I'll have later. It's even supposed to be nice on sunday for the wedding, how perfect! Biking tomorrow will be awesome, hopefully it's not too slick in the forest. Later today I have a job interview to go to!!! Hooray!! It's all the way out in Abbotsford though, so hopefully it's not on days that I'm not at schoool, because that would be a long way to go all the time... We'll see... wish me luck!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Happy Autumn!

Well Mom's birthday was awesome, she was totally surprised when she walked into Swiss Chalet and found 20 some-odd people there waiting for her! She even cried, which was good.
I'm just eating some lunch right now and procrastinating getting to my homework. It's going to be a busy weekend though, with Tara and Scott's wedding, and their cousins down visiting, I won't have much of a chance to do too much homework later, so I can only procrastinate so long.
Last night Jason and I went down to a little wharf place in Poco, beside the Mary Hill... It was really sweet... We've been there before, but I just love going there at night with him. The river's right beside us, and you can see the bridge downstream a bit. It's actually really pretty. We just walk back and forth and keep each other warm, because well, officially today is Fall, and it's been getting cooler.
Anyways, I really do have to get to that reading. So many words....

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Hooray for a title.

Hi! Just trying to kill some time and decide whether or not to go put up my mom's birthday sign at the church tonight or tomorrow... I think I'll probably do it tonight but my mom has to be fast asleep, and she isn't yet. So blogging it is. Anyways, it's my mom's 50th birthday tomorrow, and we have some suprises for her. I won't write them yet just because I don't want her accidentally seeing this before the suprises happen. I think I've already said too much. Meh.
Anyways, not too much is new, I was stressing over what I thought was a big assignment due on Monday for Geography... But realized today that while it IS a big assignment, it's not due until October 13th. So yay! Except I turned down going out tonight cuz I thought I'd only have tonight to finish it off. So blah. But that's ok, it's kind of nice to wander around home with sweats on all day and just be lazy... Except I cleaned the house, so that's not entirely lazy. Mom was on my case to clean recently, cuz next weekend is Tara and Scott's wedding, and Jason's cousins from Logan Lake are coming, and the oldest's girlfriend is staying here. So I had to get a "spare room" ready for her. Tonight (well... today) was Scott's stag, so Jason's been out with him and all the other groomsmen. The plan was to wake him up with an airhorn early, dress him in a pretty dress and feather boa, and go play paintball, then dinner and then a comedy club or something. Sounds like fun, and it was especially funny finding out that Garret and Kevin tried on 8 or 9 different dresses at Value Village before deciding on that one.
Anyways, I think I'll head over to the church to put up that sign before I get too ridiculously tired to drive.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Classes and Fun

Well I am alive, for those of you who thought otherwise. I am taking a much needed break from studying. I am getting used to this school stuff still, although it is only the 2nd week... I'm assuming it will only get busier. I wanted to also say that it IS possible to comment without signing up as a user. Just comment as an anonymous guest, and in your comment say who you are!! Sound good? Anyways, I really can't write a long time because I must get back to Guinevere and Lancelot's romance. Ahh chivalry.