Monday, January 26, 2009


024/365, originally uploaded by Amandala11.

How long can a person stretch out their birthday? Apparently over a week, in my case. Went out for dinner with my dad to celebrate my birthday! This was my tasty meal, the Honey-Ginger glazed salmon with prawns and scallops. This was at the Frogstone Grill!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

023/365: Lost!

023/365, originally uploaded by Amandala11.

Everyone else is just beginning the newest season of Lost, while Jason and I are just beginning the journey... We had never seen it before, and I'll tell ya, I wasn't sure about it after the first disc. I had nightmares. Pretty intense stuff... But this show is addicting. So that is how I spent this Friday night...

Friday, January 23, 2009

22/365: Carnations

22/365: Carnations, originally uploaded by Amandala11.

January's flower, received from my mom for my birthday this past weekend.

21/365: Success!

21/365: Success!, originally uploaded by Amandala11.

I don't bake. My attempts usually fail, so I usually don't try. This day however, I baked scones all by myself, and they worked! There was no smoke, no burnt product, nothing but soft, delicious scones.

Who am I, and what did I do with the real Amanda?

Day 20: Sailor's Warning?

20/365: Sailor's Warning? , originally uploaded by Amandala11.

The beautiful sunrise on our way to work!

Day 19

19/365, originally uploaded by Amandala11.

Totally blurry, taken with my iPhone (left my camera at home) Sacrificed quality in order to document the QUANTITY of chocolate we had at work. That's right, it's real. And it was yummy.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Catch up time! Days 16, 17, and 18! The birthday series!

Day 16

Birthday present from work!


Day 17: AKA my birthday!

Jason took me to the aquarium!


Day 18

Birthday party at the Gregor's! Tara and I have passed this gift bag back and forth a few times... now it's in my hands again!


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 15: Fog Ride

Jason went for a night time fog ride around the neighbourhood. I just took pictures.


Day 14: Bible Study

I got home from study a little late, so I had to post today. :)


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 13: Don't judge me...

...I don't even like beer. People brought these over for a get together on Friday, and I needed a picture for today.

I'm much more a January 9th kind of person.


Day 12: I need a vacation...

I've been daydreaming about the trip we are planning to Disneyland. Both J and I have never been, so we're pretty excited!


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 11: You're Fired.

Ok no, not fired at all... just reminded me of The Apprentice! Callie is my first person on project 365, because it was her birthday party today! Her birthday was really on New Year's Eve, but since everyone always has their own plans she made her party for tonight. We went out for dinner at a really neat Irish pub in Abbotsford. A very cool building, inside and out. Our party got to sit at this great big table!


And the bonus picture: We hung out with Callie and her husband before the dinner and got an ice cream cake to share. Callie got DQ to put my name on it too, so it was a joint birthday cake party!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 10: Superhero Saturday!!!

I imagine that title being announced in a big, booming voiceover. That's what I thought when I picked up these two movies for our relaxing night in.

I really love my popcorn maker.


Day 9: The Bellini

Today we had a few friends over for movies, popcorn, and fun times. I wanted to try out my new Magic Bullet blender from Christmas, so we bought everything we would need to make bellinis. I must say, for a first attempt, they were sooooo good! We only really had enough fruit for one drink per person, which was probably a good thing since I'm fairly sure I made my Magic Bullet angry... I almost overheated it... A tip: crush ice somewhat before blending... I know it's magic and all, but unfortunately it's a lot for the motor. All in all I had a great night with great company, and hopefully we can do that again!


Thursday, January 08, 2009

Day 8: Random, but gave me a laugh!

OK so this is probably the most random picture ever. So here's the story: My co worker was trying to un-clump a block of shredded cheese that had been in the freezer. After a few smacks against the counter we had an EXPLOSION of cheese when the bag broke. I included the elephant because today is Thursday and I wanted to participate in Inspire Me Thursday from last week. It's a neat site that provides weekly inspiration for any type of artist.


Gotta love a cute plastic elephant in the midst of a cheese explosion.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Day 6: Some colour.

After yesterday's dreary photos, I figured I'd pull some colour from my life to share.


And here's my bonus photo. This is my friend and supervisor Steph. I love that she looks so serious.


Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Day 6 - The Melt Down

Today the weather started to actually act like a real British Columbia winter. It rained. And rained, and rained. I'm sad, I really liked the snow! Maybe it will come again this season!


Bonus Picture: (aka the other one I couldn't choose between... I like this blog so I can post my "rejects")


Monday, January 05, 2009

Day 5 - School starts!

School officially starts today. And so does procrastination. I hate the feeling, but always do it. I don't know why. Maybe this semester will be different... ha!


It's not my favourite picture thus far, but I had to get something in today. You'd think with a snow day I would've been all over the picture taking thing, but I had such a lazy day... didn't want to do anything!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Day 4! Goodbye Christmas!

Well we decided to clean up from Christmas, and put it all away until next year. Who knows where we will be when we pull this stuff all out again, we are hoping it will be in our very own place, but we'll see what God wants. :) Goodbye Christmas! Hello 2009!


I got distracted from my cleaning and had some fun...


Aah all this Christmas clean up makes me dizzy.


Saturday, January 03, 2009

Day 3 - A stroll in the park and a push out of park!

Jason went for a snow hike today that I would've gone on as well if I actually owned a pair of waterproof hiking boots. But I don't. So I stayed home. I decided eventually to see if I could get out to the main roads and grab myself a Starbucks, and possibly find somewhere to take pictures of the glorious snow that is still falling! I cannot believe how much snow we have had so far, it's crazy! I grabbed my coffee and just drove. I ended up near the Maple Ridge spray park so I decided to take some pictures there. Walking around in the snow was actually a lot of fun, I wish I had been with someone else, the beauty of the snow on all the trees was breathtaking. Here's my day 3 photo:

The family in the background is working on a family of snowmen!

Here's a few more from my little stroll:




After I was done taking pictures I went to leave the parking lot, only to discover I was stuck. Like, really stuck. I tried pushing and digging, but nothing worked. So I called Jason's friend Jordan that he went hiking with, luckily for me they were on their way home. I only had to wait a little bit before they got there to push me out. :)

Friday, January 02, 2009

Day 2 - With extras!

Today I wanted to take a picture of snow and sun, because that pretty much sums up my day. It started with driving to work in a blizzard, and then later drove home looking at a beautiful blue sky and sunshine. It was beautiful. Unfortunately I only caught the tail end of the sun, but I enjoy the picture because it is all about Maple Ridge. Even though I don't think it's my best shot of the day, I chose it because I just kinda like these signs, cheesy as they are.


And here's a couple bonus pictures from this afternoon:



Apparently there's more snow to come!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Day 1!

Happy New Year!!

So I am going to try something starting today. It's called Project 365. There are groups on Flickr dedicated to this project, based on the premise that photographers will take and post a picture every day for a year. Sometimes they are theme related, such as people who decide to take a self-portrait for a year, or some who take pictures of their hobby every day... Mine is just to be able to take pictures every day. No theme, just my life. I'm hoping to eventually get into scrapbooking too, so it would be a neat way to document a year. And what better day to start documenting a year than January 1st! Here's today's picture:


I took this at Jason's Grandma's house for New Year's dinner with the family. We went for a snow walk!