Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Just me and my thoughts...

I still don't understand why it's possible to feel so alone in such a populated world.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

So apparently what they say about black men is true. **Parental Advisory on this Post!!**

At least at Skybar... what a weird night! Fun, but weird. So the limo picks us up, and the guy demands money immediately. Talk about customer service. Anyways, I really wanted a ride home so we worked it out... But no tip. I said loudly when inside that I would give a tip if and when we made it home safely. Not sure if he heard me, but I am home safe and sound and he is 15 dollars richer, so perhaps he did...

So we arrive at skybar to a bouncer who announces that he "grades" the limos as they pull up, and lets us know that we have a "very nice" limo. Not sure if "very nice" is just above average or freakin' hot, but I'm gonna go with the latter, because that's way more fun. So I get my gift basket that I apparently won, which basically just has coupons or something, but it did have free drink tickets, so that made me happy. (There's also a free month at Fitness World, so maybe soon if I'm feeling motivated I'll redeem that)

We go upstairs to the second (out of three) floors, and no one is there... It's obvious this is where the show will be taking place, but for now we head up to the last floor rather than looking extremely eager by finding a table right away. (despite how eager some of us may have been. and no I don't mean myself... so much) A waitress comes up to us and asks if we'd like some drinks. We ask her if we could have a minute to look over the menu, and she complies. What a nice gal. Not only did she give us a minute, she gave us 20 or so! I guess she got tired or something. Or maybe we were just too freakin' hot for her to talk to us, or even look at us... every time we looked at her and tried to make eye contact she looked away. So the nice man at the bar helped us.

After what seemed like eons we went downstairs for the show, and to our suprise the place was packed full of women ... maybe I won't go into too much detail here, but these women were definitely... well... eager. We managed to squeeze into a spot in front of the stage just as the show was about to start. We were informed that there were 3 stages to the show, the first was a "fantasy stage" where the men come out dressed as something... I believe it was a soldier, a fireman, a paramedic, and a cowboy. Well, none of those have ever entered any of my fantasies, but it did seem to tickle the fancies of some ladies there. The 2nd and 3rd stages have less and less clothing, although fortunately for us all they did keep their briefs on. I giggled like a little schoolgirl, the fireman guy (who they announced as "straight from New York City, here he is, the California Kid!!" How much sense does that make???) apparently had made himself a little happy before going onstage... by a "little" happy I mean exactly that. A little, teensy tiny bit happy. No more details. However, the cowboy ... well I'm not sure the cowboy needed to make himself happy, I'm really not sure where he would've put it....

Wow, anyways so after the show it was "Barcardi Gras" in which girls can go to great lengths to earn themselves bead necklaces, in true Mardi Gras style. I'm proud to say I came in 3rd place, and I did it completely ethically. Basically all 7 of us girls were obtaining beads throughout the night just by talking to people, and they all piled their beads on me at the end of the night in hopes that I might win. But alas, it was a girl with very large upper regions who won, and I suppose that's ok, because I don't really want to go back to Skybar for any reason any time soon, not even $500 at the bar. Ok especially not for that.

So anyways I had a pretty good night... definitely memorable.

That said, maybe I will stop by at a confessional booth later on today... I'm not Catholic but perhaps it wouldn't hurt... haha

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Must love wine.

I think that's what Heather and Lindsey think... I really WANT to love wine, it's just not that easy to do!! It makes my face squish after each sip. I just can't help thinking about feet stomping in wine, and then drinking foot-juice. ew. That said, it's not as gross tasting as it has been, so maybe I AM making progress.

So tomorrow is our crazy ladies-night that i won at a wedding fair. Of all the things i could've possibly won at a wedding fair, I win the naked men. Should be interesting.

I love chick flicks. Nothing like that is realistic, (this is coming from the girl who's getting married in less than 6 months) but it sure is cute! Last night we watched In Her Shoes, and it really made me want to go buy new shoes... hmm... maybe for tomorrow night!!

I went to a rock and gem show on Sunday... oh wow I feel like a nerd just writing that... Haha, all I ever think about when I go to those shows is that little short segment/commercial from when I was little that had some guy singing "I collect rocks, I collect rocks, I put 'em in a bag, I put 'em in a box"... It's fun though, there's lots of cute old people whose hobby has something to do with rocks, either carving them, polishing them, or whatever. And they seem to love it when young people are interested! It's great. I got all motivated again after putting my jewellery off to the side for a while, and I even made most of a necklace today with some stuff I bought at the show. Ahh I love reading break.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

my mum comes home tomorrow night! hoorayyy! I've missed her... I am actually very surprised though, my sister and I didn't get in any fights! no yelling matches, nothing. That's not to say things went totally smoothly, or that there were no reasons to fight, because there were plenty... It seemed to me like a bit of a patience test, and a 'biting of the tongue' test. I did have to hold back a few choice words every now and then... but I'm proud of myself, I did it!

My poor mum's gonna be in for a shock when she gets off the plane... it's supposed to be something like -15 windchill overnight, likely the same tomorrow... which will feel even colder after being in the tropics!

Tonight I went and played badminton at the church. It was pretty fun, there were only 6 of us there, but it was pretty hilarious, since we all are definitely NOT going to the olympics any time soon... but a good time nonetheless...

I'm not really sure what else to write... I just felt like updating something. It always happens that I'll be out and about and something cool will happen or a thought will cross my mind and I'll make a mental note that "I should write that in my blog!" ... why is it that I always remember that mental note, but not what I was thinking about? Drives me nuts.

I'm going to learn about food tomorrow... My nutritionist of an ECE instructor at school (she has a degree in nutrition) said that after I take that course I won't want to eat anything. I guess it's gross or something... It's the Foodsafe course, the preschool I'm doing my practicum at is paying for me to take that as well as the First Aid childsafe course, which is awesome since I need that to get fully certified! Plus those hours count toward my practicum! Hoorah!

Anyways I guess I'm going to go to bed, maybe I'll actually read or something! :) Goodnight all!

Sunday, February 12, 2006


I learned something today... I came online and a friend's msn name was "Remember... the bible was written by the same people who thought the world was flat" so I was like, wow I really should say something to him, but what? I needed to find something really smart-like that I could say that wouldn't be offensive, but informative. Unfortunately for me, I'm really uneducated when it comes to this stuff, although I'd love to have more knowledge on the bible, and biblical history, etc. Anyways, so I start looking up information on when it was discovered that the world was in fact round. And well, no one knows exactly when, but Aristotle who was around from 384-322 B.C. apparently wrote that it was common knowledge. So really, it was known before Jesus' time... Which means that the new testament was written with the knowledge of a spherical earth. Which therefore means that this name (which I also learned is a bumper sticker with that phrase on it) is false. Unfortunately by the time I learned this, that guy was offline. But regardless, it was interesting to learn...

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Just for Lindsey

Yes this post is now officially dedicated to Lindsey because she says I don't update enough. So here I am, updating. About what you ask? Well I haven't quite gotten as far as figuring out a subject so I think I'll just ramble.
Did you know that planning a wedding is stressful? Now factor in the budgetsotighticanhardlybreathe and add school, work, and the remote possibility of a life and you have one very stressed out Manda. (which basically just shows up as tired Amanda... same thing though) Today I really wanted to work on lots of wedding stuff but time just got away from me so I crammed in a few things in the late afternoon, and hopefully tomorrow we can work on a bit more. Maybe the planning isn't stressful, maybe it's the "oh crap I have to remember...[insert random task/decoration/deadline here]" that's the stressful part. And knowing full well how much of a procrastinator I am isn't helping anything. Oh well, as long as I get married, that's the important thing.
It's funny, I thought that as I started planning I would become more aware of what I want, what flowers I want, what kind of cake I want, all those kinds of details. But it's been the opposite. I'm beginning to care less about the details... Which is good really, especially when you have a really tight budget. All I know is that I've seen so many wedding fairs with ladies who take the whole thing just way too seriously and get lost in the commercial affair. I've found the man I want to spend the rest of my life with, and honestly I don't care if my cake has detail, or if I have some rare breed of lilies in my centrepieces. Of course there are things I want, or would like a lot, but really, when it comes right down to it, it's a day about a promise. And it's the promise I'm looking forward to.

Ok, the promise AND the wedding night.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Welllll tonight I had wine. I don't like wine. But Heather and Lindsey thought I should try to like wine, I think Lindsey a bit moreso than Heather, as she kept telling me to hurry up and finish my drink so she could pour me some more. Needless to say I was a little buzzed. But I did learn that I can drink wine if it has 7-up in it. Not too bad. I'll learn, I'm determined that within the next 6 months I will learn to like wine so that I won't have to drink sparkling apple juice at my own wedding. That would not be hot. At least if I only get to the point where I can have wine with 7-up it will still be wine and it will still look like wine! hoorayyy

So I didn't really need another television show to get addicted to (I have enough.... I don't want my schedule to be ruled by television programming...) However as it stands with my two main shows - Gilmore girls on tuesdays at 5, 8, or 10, and Survivor on thursdays at 8 I have room for one more on thursday and apparently that will be filled with the OC. I had never watched a full episode until tonight, and that's mostly because it is difficult to follow the storyline of characters you don't know. Fortunately for me, I have friends who will go to great lengths for someone to understand the OC. So far in fact that I have in my possession a FLOW CHART of marriages (the double lines connecting people), relationships (both kosher - for that nice jewish hottie - and totally illigitimate - as noted by the dotted lines). So now I'm pretty much in the know. And I think I'm going to have to start watching it now.

Anyways, tonight was super fun, I laughed a lot (which I always enjoy)... and I'm one step closer to liking wine. I'm hoping that I can spend LONGER times with those two and have BIGGER glasses of wine...hahahaha yay for hilarious conversations.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Wooohoo!!! My picture is showing up now!! hoorayyy I'm a genius!

I can't figure this out...

I'm having a hard time getting used to this Blogger thing. I am used to livejournal, so making a transition is kinda hard. I prefer the look of Blogger, but livejournal seems to be easier to use. Oh well, I'll figure it out. I just can't seem to get my profile picture to show up on my main page, nor can I download it other than at a tiny tiny size. bahhh

ummm happy birthday Jocelyn yesterday. My little sister is 20. My little sister is no longer a teenager. She said she isn't doing 20 well... well I'm not sure I am either. Where did the time go??? I remember when she couldn't write... I was so proud that I could and she couldn't. (I was a brat ... no smart comments on the 'was' please) She's all grown up. Piercings and all. haha

Anyways, I'm off for coffee with Heather! (Finally! sheesh that girl is busy)