I've always loved fall, I used to absolutely adore going to school, getting new stationery, pens, pencils... literally I was the Staples guy singing "It's the most wonderful time of the yearrrr!" ... and I was a student. Yes people, I was (am?) a nerd.
I find myself in that place again, only this time I didn't buy new pens and pencils, I bought myself a laptop! It's not the mac that I've coveted from others for quite some time, but it will do... It's a Dell, and it has a swirly pattern on the front, which I think is pretty. I also have a fancy bag to put it in, which is also pretty. What can I say, I like pretty. And it works, which I suppose is what I need.
I also find myself in a bit of a different place than I have been in the past before heading back to school. I'm not terribly excited about it all, whereas in the past I've hardly been able to wait. Maybe because I know what kind of work awaits me, papers, readings, etc... That being said, there is still a bit of excitement at being able to be called a student again. I love to learn, and this new chapter of learning will present a new challenge. I'm taking online and teleconference classes. I've never been a self-motivated learner. I've relied on the awesomeness of teachers to guide me and interest me. This time I'm on my own, (so to speak, my friend at work is taking these with me) and will need to learn some motivation skills, as well as time management skills. I think that's what makes me less excited. I know that one of my greatest skills is going to hinder my progress... that is, the skill of procrastination. I'm really good at that.
My first "class" will be on Monday night, I'll be on the phone from 7-9. I'm nervous, but the commute makes everything ok. Class on the couch in my pajamas, and then to bed. :)