Saturday, February 04, 2006


Welllll tonight I had wine. I don't like wine. But Heather and Lindsey thought I should try to like wine, I think Lindsey a bit moreso than Heather, as she kept telling me to hurry up and finish my drink so she could pour me some more. Needless to say I was a little buzzed. But I did learn that I can drink wine if it has 7-up in it. Not too bad. I'll learn, I'm determined that within the next 6 months I will learn to like wine so that I won't have to drink sparkling apple juice at my own wedding. That would not be hot. At least if I only get to the point where I can have wine with 7-up it will still be wine and it will still look like wine! hoorayyy

So I didn't really need another television show to get addicted to (I have enough.... I don't want my schedule to be ruled by television programming...) However as it stands with my two main shows - Gilmore girls on tuesdays at 5, 8, or 10, and Survivor on thursdays at 8 I have room for one more on thursday and apparently that will be filled with the OC. I had never watched a full episode until tonight, and that's mostly because it is difficult to follow the storyline of characters you don't know. Fortunately for me, I have friends who will go to great lengths for someone to understand the OC. So far in fact that I have in my possession a FLOW CHART of marriages (the double lines connecting people), relationships (both kosher - for that nice jewish hottie - and totally illigitimate - as noted by the dotted lines). So now I'm pretty much in the know. And I think I'm going to have to start watching it now.

Anyways, tonight was super fun, I laughed a lot (which I always enjoy)... and I'm one step closer to liking wine. I'm hoping that I can spend LONGER times with those two and have BIGGER glasses of wine...hahahaha yay for hilarious conversations.


heather said...

Amanda!! I'm so proud of you! Be careful of Lindsey when there is wine or any sort of alcohol involved - she likes to feed it to people, to see what they can take or something. I don't know. I'm pretty sure you'll be glad that you're now in the know with the OC - your life will be greatly enriched. Here's to bigger crushes on Seth and longer episodes of the OC>

Lindsey and Mike said...

Ohhhhh yess: Wine. It's the breakfast of champions. I once heard that David Beckham has a bottle of port every morning b/4 a big game. I just made that up. In some way I wish I had heard that though b/c, hey, that'd be something else, eh? So glad that we got to hang out last weekend...gooood times:)