Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Candyman can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good!

Who needs to go for a run when you can just clean a bathtub?? That's what I did today and I think I'm more sore from that than my one hour run yesterday. Let me tell you, this was a project and a half. It gets very dirty very fast when you are married to a mechanic who brings home half a litre of oil and grease on his body every day. yuck.

Speaking of yuck, my spider bite is really gross. I'm not sure what's happening with it, but I had to promise Jason that I wouldn't look the spiders and their bites up anymore because I was worrying myself literally sick by it. (You go Google "Brown Recluse spider bite" and click on the Images tab... mine's not like a lot of those but I was freaking out that it was going to turn into that... you'll see why I was worrying) Anyways, it's starting to hurt now, and I've started my antibiotic pills (4 of them every day) along with the cream. I just want it to get better.

Tonight I went to a young adults group and we ended up in a coffee shop/cafe called Zack's. This is now officially one of my new favourite places here. Half of it is a cute independent coffee shop, and the other half is a gelato and candy store!! And it's all old fashioned, with jars of candies behind the counter, and drawers you can open that have Nerds, Fizz-Pops, Blo-pops, Big League Chew, and a ton of candy I can never find up here in Canada. They even have the strips of paper with candy dots on them!! We used to wrap presents with that back in New Hampshire when I was in elementary school!! I love that store. I bought Jason a Pez dispenser that looks like a truck! It's awesome! I mentioned to some people that I felt like I should be singing a Willy Wonka song. :)

Well, off to read a bit before bed, I will be seeing you all again this weekend!! It's been too long! hee hee


Michelle said...

That place sounds cool. I love nerds and those fizzy candies.

I'll keep praying that your bite heals fast!

Lindsey and Mike said...

Hey! I just caught up on your last 3 posts and would like to say congrats on the job and hope the bite gets better soon! Looking forward to seeing you!

Sara said...

Might not see you because we went to church tonight...but totally funny about Kent and Marion...that's hilarious. You should tell them Marion is in love with my brother - cause she totally is.

Good job on the running! Keep it up girl!