Sunday, June 17, 2007


Ok so the reason I was trying to post daily (or close to) was because when I don't, I feel like I have too much to say when I finally do blog.

Went camping Friday night with a young adults group we've been going to. It was a ton of fun, except right at the end when we were playing "aluminum foil baseball" (ball was made from all the aluminum foil off of about 20 corn-on-the-cobs we had on the fire) ... By the time I got up to bat this thing was extremely compact. Think of a snowball compressed so much that it becomes an ice-ball. Similar concept. So anyways, I hit the ball, ran around the 2 bases (we had a very small area to play with, no room for a third base) and I got home! Clearly I was safe. 2 minutes later, I very unexpectedly received a blow to the face with the ball of metal. It was painful and I'm just hoping that it does not turn into a welt-like bruise as this coming weekend is full of birthday parties and weddings down in Maple Ridge. Other than that I had a good time and no I do not hold the girl who threw the ball responsible for my injury. She's a very nice girl, albeit perhaps with no aim.
1 wheelbarrow of wood = 5 dollars
Filling it up as high as you can and hoisting it on and off a pickup truck = priceless.

Biggest swingset EVER!

So other fun stuff from this week....... Wednesday was my first day of work at the furniture store. It was NOTHING like I expected it might be. It's hard to explain it all, but basically I picked up a very weird vibe in the way people talk to each other and about each other and about the owners. The lady who had hired me had said in the interview I would be starting full time... but when I started she told me I'd be part time for a while. She had also said in the interview that the I'd most likely be Monday to Friday because that's what the customer service people work... when in fact, the lady who was training me works very regularly Tuesday-Saturday. I wouldn't mind working a Saturday now and then, but with family out of town and such, I'd like to have some weekends available for visiting.

So anyways, I got home and was in tears out of disappointment. This was not how I was supposed to feel on my first day!! The next day I went in with an optimistic attitude, but alas, it was quite the same, only this time with the realization that I was going to be yelled at every day by irate customers. I decided that this was not the place for me. I prayed the whole day that I might be able to find a way to talk to the lady who hired me alone and not have to approach her and her parents (the owners) or other staff members. Sure enough, at 4:30 (I was off at 5) she comes to me and says she would like to see me during the last 15 minutes of my shift. Well that was an answer to prayer if I've ever seen one... So I went to talk to her and she informs me that I've been hired so that they can fire the lady who's training me. But they're not going to tell her until after she's trained me, with her thinking that I'm just hired as part-time help. I'm sorry, but this was the icing on the cake at this point... I did NOT feel right about any of this so I told her I was sorry and that I would not be returning.

I should've been listening to God all along. Of course I would feel burnt out after leaving Pitt Meadows - I was working 12 hour days with no breaks between my two jobs... But I've come to realize that I belong in Early Childhood Education, at least for a little while longer. And I've got a renewed excitement about it too! I've already picked up a part time job with a lady who runs a daycare out of her home but is looking to lease or buy space to open a centre. Of course I will need to supplement my hours in the beginning so I called about 5 or 6 daycares and I think only one of them is not hiring immediately but will be soon. Apparently up here having your ECE certificate is like carrying a Golden Ticket. So basically, I'm not worried, and from now on I'm SO going to listen to God...

I'll keep you posted... I have several interviews this week...


Michelle said...

Good for you for listening about that job. What a terrible thing to tell you, firing that other lady after she finished training. Um, yeah so what's going to stop them from doing that to someone else one day? Sheesh. Sorry your face got hurt, hope it heals quickly.
Virtual hugs to you! :-)

4ever29 said...

As a mother I am thrilled to hear that you will continue to work with kids. Keep all us Maple Ridge folk posted!

heather said...

Hey hottie. I love that you are going to stay in ECE. I love that you're not gonna be stuck in that lame-o work environment. And I love (on a smaller scale, and only because you're alright) that you got pelted with a giant ball of tin foil.

TrailerTrashed said...

Hi there! It looks like you're having fun up there - what a hoot that baseball game must have been! Please stay away from spiders and metal fastballs though! And don't use them in the daycare!