Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Good, The Bad, and The Spider

I AM EMPLOYED!!!! I got a call this morning telling me the furniture store wants to hire me! Thank you to all who prayed for me, I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life. I am not sure when I start yet, my new boss said she would phone me in the next day or two to let me know. I'm a bit nervous though, I hope I do ok at this, since it's somewhat new territory.

Also, could you guys pray for Jason? He's got some stuff going on and we're hoping it all works out. Thanks a bunch...

Today I brought myself to the doctor because what I thought at first was a little scratch, then possibly a mosquito bite has turned into a large, itchy mass... Turns out I was bitten by a hobo spider!!!! EEEEWWW. Apparently they can be fatal, but mine's just itchy. I have antibiotics and some cream so hopefully it goes away. Stupid spider. Yuck.

And that was my day.

1 comment:

amelia said...

Glad to hear you got the job Amanda! Hooray! I will of course pray for Jason and continue to pray for you (especially since you got bit by that scary spider...I think I'll tell my manager and freak her out!)