Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I cannot believe some people are like this. *Rant.

So I decided I would participate in this radio contest where you create a Facebook group and see how many people join it. The person with the most number of people in their group by July 3rd wins $5000 ... Now I didn't make my group with any slight thought that I had a chance of winning, more to just see what would happen if I did try. Because you can't win if you don't enter right? Well, I found out how to check the "leaderboard" for this contest and I'm nowhere near close to the first place entry, although I was impressed at the amount my group grew in less than 24 hours. There are people out there who care enough to join my group, and for that I am touched. However, if it comes down to it, I will tell everyone in my group to transfer their "memberships" to another group, especially if it helps that person win. Because when I saw who was in the lead, I was disgusted. This guy has 989 people and on his "info" section, he put "Screw Money. Lets Spend it on BOOZE!!!!!!!" I am so against someone like this winning... and it has nothing to do with the fact that $5000 could really help us, because I know for a fact that $5000 could help a lot of people. Which is why I'd rather it go to help people somehow. I have no control over this, but I just don't think it's right to spend such a huge amount of money on a booze-fest.

So anyways, I'm just ranting on here because I think it's disturbing how many of these groups had a similar angle to get people to join. What happened to compassion, and the desire to help people who might actually need the money? The girl in second place wants to donate 100% of the money to cancer research, and so if it comes down to it, I will try to get people to join her group instead.

Toronto had a similar contest, giving away $7000 ... I hope the outcome for Vancouver is as heartwarming as theirs. It definitely made me think differently of Torontonians. The winner of that one had a young girl with a disability and her mom wanted to send her to a special camp, but it cost $10,000 to go... Well, she won, and the radio station gave her the extra $3000 to make it happen. Now for something like THAT I would join.

Ok I'm done my rant now.


Michelle said...

You have a good heart. I joined your group this morning. I just noticed I had a whack of invitations for stuff.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.